In a recent letter to Hope for Heroes, Monica Jones wrote about what an impact the ministry had on her and her husband, Heath:

We’re back in the swing of normal life and I just wanted to take a minute to attempt to put into words how wonderful this past weekend was. I’m going to use a lot of words over and over like “incredible” and “amazing” and, well, I don’t really feel like they do my feelings of amazement and appreciation justice but maybe repeating them will help.

Heath isn’t one to be comfortable with attention and recognition, but he absolutely deserves it, and he needed it. What impressed me the most was the little touches you included. The autographed sign, having the Kendall County Sheriff’s and BPD welcome us, the prayer, the card and basket, the gift card. It was all so generous and so incredibly thoughtful. Not only was it amazing to have him recognized, but to feel the immense appreciation for the spouses at home who do ALL the things to keep the house and family running with the overtime assignments that come up, missed holidays and activities, family dinners, and all. Thank you so much for the love and support. It means more than you can possibly imagine.