Alto Frio Baptist Camp | Leakey

A Christ-centered retreat center in Leakey, Texas

Since 1920, Alto Frio Baptist Camp has had the same mission: to be a place of God where one can go to experience the serenity of God for renewal, retreat, and spiritual growth. Set in the Texas Hill Country along the refreshing Frio River, seekers of all ages have come to find the peace of God in the beauty of His creation at Alto Frio. Alto Frio is a frequent place for FBC functions, such as the Men’s retreat.

What will people be doing? Enjoying God’s creation, fellowshipping with one another, and experiencing God in quiet moments.

Angel Tree | FBC Boerne

An FBC outreach ministry to students in a local elementary school

Each year FBC members have given faithfully to more than 150 economically disadvantaged students who are affiliated with a local elementary school. These gifts are not just a blessing, but they are an expression and demonstration of God’s love through our church. God’s love was demonstrated by God sending the ultimate gift of His son, Jesus, into and for the world.  Volunteers are needed each year to purchase the gifts, serve at the Angel Tree party, and to help with distribution.

What will people be doing? Gift giving, outreach, and community service.

Contact: Lori Coward

Christian Job Corps | Boerne

A Christian organization that is equipping women and teens for life and vocation

Where and how do people learn the behaviors, attitudes, and mindsets required for successful employment? Christian Job Corps (CJC) knows that if we aren’t taught how to live life God’s way, then we are doing it the world’s way. Thousands of women in Kendall and the surrounding counties are under-equipped to earn a living wage and support their families. Technology is changing so rapidly that they feel left behind in the job market. CJC exists to equip, encourage, and empower women with job skills for life according to a biblical worldview. Computer training and a Bible-based curriculum are essential parts of our programs. At CJC, women receive a second chance and find hope, encouragement, and confidence to seek a vocation that matches their potential. Instructors help them harness their talents and set up plans to achieve their goals. Through discipleship, they are prepared and strengthened to meet life’s challenges in the workplace and in daily life.

What will people be doing? Job training, discipleship, relational skills.

Contact:  Lynn Heckler

Christian Medical Dental Association | San Antonio

A Christian outreach to local dental and medical students at University of Texas Health Science Center (UTHSC)

FBC supports the local UTHSC missionaries monthly and provides two lunches a year to dental and medical students attending the Christian Medical Dental Association lunches. These lunches are a great opportunity to serve and encourage these students and for a guest speaker to share an encouraging word.

What will people be doing? Encouraging and serving medical and dental students, serving.

Contact: Diane Fischer

Fellowship of Christian Athletes | Boerne

Uniting two passions, faith and athletics, to impact the world for Jesus Christ.

The Fellowship of Christian Athletes is touching millions of lives… one heart at a time. Since 1954, the Fellowship of Christian Athletes has been challenging coaches and athletes on the professional, college, high school, junior high and youth levels to use the powerful medium of athletics to impact the world for Jesus Christ. FCA focuses on serving local communities by equipping, empowering and encouraging people to make a difference for Christ.

What will people be doing? Outreach, and community service.

Contact: Todd Johnson

Grace House | San Antonio

A faith-based transition home for women coming out of incarceration and drug or alcohol addiction

Since 2002, this ministry has offered hope to women following incarceration and drug addiction. The Grace House objective is to educate, encourage and care for selected women until they are prepared to re-enter everyday life in a productive and confident manner. The Grace House setting and training affords an excellent opportunity for the residents to overcome destructive lifestyle choices and be transformed by the power of God. Opportunities for FBC members to volunteer include teaching, providing professional services, sponsorships, yard/house maintenance, donating women’s clothing, education materials, food or finances, and joining the prayer team or jail ministry team.

What will people be doing? Evangelizing, disciple making, teaching, giving, praying, loving.

Hands in Service/Hill Country Daily Bread | FBC Boerne

Hands in Service (HIS), an FBC ministry, partners with Hill Country Daily Bread (HCDB) Ministries

Volunteers from FBC, called Family Mentors, visit inidividuals/families in their homes twice a month and deliver not only physical food but also spiritual food. We are committed to breaking the grip of poverty. As stated, “poverty isn’t the result of someone being poor but because of the environment someone grows up in.” It is more than a material issue. It is a spiritual, cultural, and relational issue. The exciting part is that we an play a role in changing this cycle by being in a one-on-one relationship as a mentor. If you feel called to respond to this need in our community, contact Trig Rohrbach.

What will people be doing? Mentoring and building relationships with a family, alleviating poverty, disciple making.

Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center | FBC Boerne

A Christian organization empowering individuals to make Christ-centered choices regarding pregnancy and sexuality

Every day at the Hill Country Pregnancy Care Center, we receive calls from women who are experiencing an unplanned pregnancy, seeking an abortion, or struggling to deal with a past abortion decision. They feel scared, angry, or isolated, but HCPCC provides assistance so they don’t have to face the unexpected alone. When making a decision that ultimately affects the rest of their lives, women need to be educated about their options to make an informed choice. HCPCC offers Christ-centered hope and help to hundreds of men and women every year. HCPCC offers prenatal, parenting, childbirth and healthy relationship education. FBC can help these men and women through serving as a client advocates, helping with classes and material assistance, mentorship for men and women, prayer, leading Bible studies, assisting with baby bottle boomerang fundraiser, office assistance, and other projects.

What will people be doing? Empowering tomake good decisions, disciple making, educating about health and sexuality.

Iglesia Bautista Emmanuel | Boerne

A mission church that reaches the Spanish-speaking people of Boerne

This church located in Walnut Hills reaches out to the Spanish-speaking people of Boerne. Pastor Salvador Martinez and his wife Milli lead this vibrant ministry and have helped to bridge the gap between the English and Spanish-speaking communities. Salvador and Milli have a heart for families to grow together in the Lord, and every week they visit people in their homes and bring children to church so that they can know the Lord. FBC members are welcome to attend the service and to help serve alongside the church.

What will people be doing? Evangelism, disciple making, outreach to the community.

Contact: Tracey Kinchen

Iglesia Hispana Bautista | Comfort

A Baptist church ministering to the Spanish-speaking population of Comfort

Located in the heart of Comfort, this partner church of FBC is led by Pastor Alonso Ramirez. Pastor Alonso helps reach the Spanish-speaking people of Comfort and enjoys a great relationship with FBC Boerne. Alonso has a vision for the Spanish speaking men and youth of Comfort. In addition to his full time job, he holds a weekly prayer and worship service, while continually shepherding the congregation. There are opportunities and needs for small groups to help serve in outreach and maintaining the church.

What will people be doing? Evangelizing, disciple making, outreach to the community.

Contact: Glynna Reser

Meadowlands Ministry | Boerne

An FBC outreach ministry to at-risk youth in Boerne

Our purpose is to bring the love and hope of Jesus Christ to children living at the Meadowlands center who have been neglected, traumatized, rejected, and hurt by the adults in their lives. Based on the parable Jesus taught about the Good Samaritan, our church body needs to stop and help these helpless kids that have been left on the side of the road. We are commanded to help the orphans, and these are ‘orphans’ in our community. There are opportunities for you to serve in weekly Bible studies, basketball, tutoring, large group gatherings, and seasonal events.

What will people be doing? Being present, caring and loving the orphaned, disciple making.

Moment of Truth Ministry | Boerne

An outreach that seeks to demonstrate the love of Jesus Christ by providing spiritual, physical and emotional support to those needs

Moment of Truth Ministries (MOTM) is a faith-based ministry focused on being an ongoing vessel for Kingdom-minded initiatives.  These initiatives involve individual and family support through education, housing, work opportunities and everyday living in order to encourage transformation of lives throughout the community.  MOTM strives to use biblical principles to build a transferable model of “building disciples” throughout our communities.  Volunteer opportunities are available for all ages.  Household items, clothes, furniture, etc., can be donated to the Kingdom Works Community Store at 7 Daisy Lane in Boerne.

What will people be doing? Helping in special events and/or mission trips in our inner city as an individual or small group, donating household items, clothes, furniture, etc. in order.

Operation Christmas Child | FBC Boerne

A Christian ministry devoted to helping hurting people around the world

FBC members pack and send out hundreds of shoeboxes each year to children around the world.  These shoeboxes are distributed by local pastors and community leaders in over 100 countries.  The shoeboxes are delivered with the message of Christ and followed up with the Greatest Journey Discipleship program.  There is a blessing of giving and receiving on both ends of these shoeboxes.

What will people be doing? Giving gifts, disciple making, serving those in need.

Sew Faithful Quilters | FBC Boerne

An FBC ministry serving together in quilting to share the love of Christ

As Christian women, we look for and create opportunities to use our skills and sewing experiences to teach others how to sew and serve the Lord with their talents. We have a heart for Israel, and our quilts are showing God’s love to the Jews. Often quilts are given to those in need. We come together in an atmosphere of sisterhood to support and encourage one another in God’s plan. We welcome new and learning quilters.

What will people be doing? Quilting; learning to sew, outreach to those in the community.

Contact: Sue Flick

Still Water Sports Camp | Texas

A Christian sports camp serving people of all socio-economic backgrounds

Water Christian Ministries shares the life-changing truth of Jesus Christ through evangelistic and discipleship-focused initiatives. SWCM serves people of all socio-economic backgrounds with a heart for the “lost” and “least of these.” Through our partnership with the local body of Christ, we seek to provide prayer, volunteer, and partnership incentives to reach the un-reached people groups as local missionaries in Texas. SWCM exists to bring Living Water into the lives of those our Lord connects us with.

What will people be doing? Going to sports camps, evangelizing, making disciples.

Taking it to the Streets | San Antonio/Boerne

A weekly ministry to the homeless and forgotten people of San Antonio
Taking it to the Streets is a local mission outreach that believes when Jesus said in Matthew 25:40, “Whatever you do for the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you do for me,” He wasn’t joking around. We believe that we love Jesus best when we are loving the “least of these” (the broken, the hurting, the impoverished, the hungry, the homeless). We not only exist to satisfy immediate needs, we also exist to help reconcile relationships. We believe that all of us are broken and need a Savior. Weekly we meet in downtown San Antonio for a large group gathering and a meal. Each week we need volunteers to help prepare and serve meals. We offer more than just a warm meal. We offer friendship, community, and most importantly, Christ. We believe through these loving relationships, we help restore dignity and purpose and, in turn, transform lives. Often FBC Growth Groups and youth come and serve with us.

What will people be doing? Providing meals and friendship, evangelizing.

Vault Fostering Community | Boerne & San Antonio

A ministry serving local foster families in the Greater San Antonio area

We provide resources to local foster families who bravely open their homes by providing a safe and caring environment for children who desperately need it. Families are often given only a few hours’ notice to prepare for their placement. Vault desires to rally alongside these families and we would love for you to join us! We lend essential items, provide a community, and equip local foster families with information and resources that they may need. In order to be available to these families, we rely on the support of volunteers.

What will people be doing? Providing community and support, foster care.

Young Life  | FBC Boerne

FBC partners with Young Life, which is a Christ-centered outreach to Boerne teens, including middle school and high school students, students with special needs, and unwed teen moms.

Young Life is an international organization that has been reaching out to adolescents since 1941. Boerne YL has been active in the community nearly 25 years. What is it about Young Life club that makes it the best night of the week for Boerne kids every week?  It’s controlled chaos that’s almost impossible to describe, but kids know it when they see it. And before club ends, the Gospel message is shared about God’s love for them.  Students are loved by staff and volunteer leaders that develop relationships with them.  They go where kids are.  Staff, leaders, and teens have Bible studies and attend camp together.

What will people be doing? Evangelizing, making disciples, going to camp and club.

Monthly Support for Baptist Associations | FBC Boerne

Our church is in partnership with other Baptist churches supporting the development and growth of the gospel locally and around the world.

FBC is a Baptist church and continues to support the work of Baptist associations in our network. These associations include Alto Frio Baptist Camp, Hill Country Baptist Association, the Baptist Cooperative Program, North American Mission Board, and International Mission Board. Funds sent to these association help provide the resources needed for summer camps, church planting around Texas, administration costs, and national and international mission support.

What will people be doing? Sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ, planting and encouraging churches.

Contact: Paul Harkleroad