
Recover Your Life is one of the biggest and best Self Harm Support Communities on the Internet. We strongly believe in a free and open atmosphere here, and our nonjudgemental approach to all things Self Harm has been a help to thousands of people already.

Healthy Place is the largest consumer mental health site, providing comprehensive information on psychological disorders and psychiatric medications from both a consumer and expert point of view.

  • The Scarred Soul: Understanding and Ending Self-Inflicted Violence, by T. Alderman (2000) Youthlight, Inc.
  • Cutting Edge, by T. Suzanne Eller, in Todays Christian Woman, Jan/Feb 2006
  • What the Cutters Feels, Tamala M. Edwards, in Time, November 9, 1998
  • The Luckiest Girl in the World, by S. Levenkron (1998) NY: Penguin Press